December 5, 2006

Reunited British punk/thrash crossover band CEREBRAL FIX will headline Birmingham, England's Cuntstock Festival 2007, set to take place February 27, 2007 at Scruffy Murphy's. The festival billing is shaping up as follows:


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Formed in 1986, CEREBRAL FIX was made up of vocalist Simon Forrest, bassist Frank Healy, rhythm guitarist Gregg Fellows, lead guitarist Tony Walburton and drummer Kev Frost, according to The Runout Groove. For a while their drummer was Andy Baker, a metal mainstay who would play also with SACRILEGE, VARUKERS and the legendary CATHEDRAL. CEREBRAL FIX recorded their first demo, "We Need Therapy", the following year, but it wasn't until 1988 that their debut, "Life Sucks... And Then You Die", was released through the Vinyl Solutions label. In the next year they recorded demos for the follow-up, "Tower of Spite", which was released via Roadrunner Records and became their most celebrated album. "Bastards" came out in 1991, and was followed by the band's final LP, 1992's "Death Erotica".

CEREBRAL FIX's 2006 lineup:

Simon Forrest - Vocals
Tony Warburton - Guitar
Gregg Fellows - Guitar
Neil Farrington - Drums
Frank Healy - Bass

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